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"Ummmmm, it's 2007 already?"

"Wasn't it 1997 not so long ago?"

"Did I miss the millenium? I don't remember it?!!"

The above phrases have all gone through my brain in the past few days, it is a scary thought that we are almost three quarters of the way through the first decade of the millennium. Well I guess as time is marching on regardless, I better make this year count. So I have a list of aims, which I shall fill you in on now...<!-- more -->

  1. Write/Read/Draw More

I'm a published writer, I can draw reasonably well and I love reading, however I don't do any of these things regularly at all. My aim for 2007 is to write more, do some drawings that aren't of squished eyeballs and read at least two books a month. I reckon I can achieve all these. Not sure how the writing will go, but it should hopefully mean that I keep this place a bit more updated and maybe I'll start that book I've always wanted to write.

  1. Take More (and hopefully better photos)

In 2006, I made a concerted effort to get into photography more. I got myself various new cameras, including a Canon SLR, Olympus PEN EE2, Polaroid Camera and a new digital point and shoot to replace my stolen one. I really enjoyed being able to catch the small moments of life that people might otherwise miss. I didn't take as many photographs as I would have liked, so this year I'm going to try and shoot a roll of film at least once a month and take lots of digital snaps, maybe even one a day.

  1. Skate New Places

One result of now being in Melbourne, is that I've been skating lots of new places. Thanks to the skateboard.com.au site I still have a big list of new places to skate and hopefully I'll be able to tick off all the parks in and around the Melbourne area. I'm really enjoying skateboarding right now and hopefully this will help me to continue that.

  1. Procrastinate Less, Work More

I am the king of the time wasters. I have very little self control and my job involves sitting in front of a computer with access to every possible method for wasting time in the whole wide world. I need to refrain from this, I need to make an effort to work more efficiently and get a lot of stuff done that will strengthen my portfolio.

  1. Get a Job

I feel in addition to my "procrastinate less" resolution, I need to get myself a part time job in addition to the freelance web design that I do. This should hopefully focus the time that I spend working on web design work as it will reduce the time I have to do it... Make sense? it does to me.

  1. Continue Learning

Whilst I'm in Australia, I figure I should make the most of the facilities available to me and some of those facilities happens to be universities running short courses in various things I want to learn, such Adobe Illustrator, 2D animation in flash etc.

  1. *Make lots of websites... *

I have plenty of websites to make in 2007, some are for people paying me money to do them, others will be for my own personal gain perhaps. Who knows if you're lucky I might even finish "the lip" if I can be bothered. So why not grab some popcorn and wait for it...

  1. Make the most of every opportunity..

.Cliche I know, but it good to remind yourself that you need to sometimes.