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Whoa Art Photos And Work Innit

author: adrian comments: true date: 2006-11-26 20:09:59+00:00 layout: post slug: whoa-art-photos-and-work-innit title: Whoa art, photos and work innit... wordpress_id: 51 categories: - photography

- work


Came across this on CSSBeauty, I was stoked on it and thought I'd share it. Also high on my list of good things to cram into your eyes right now are the photos on Scott Pommier's website... I wanna get a motorbike now. Maybe I will...

So much to sort out, so little time. Why am I writing on his stupid thing. I'm now in the process of making the third version of the Caught in the Crossfire site. Fucking hell its gonna be good, well it will be once I finish it.