โ† Posts

flickr... and London.

I love Flickr. When I'm not too busy *living *in a 5 star hotel I will sign up for the pro account and organise all my shit into albums etc like the anally retentive bastard I long to be. In the meantime, check out my photos here.

Neil Smith Blunted

Did I mention that I'm living in a hotel, that kind of makes me like Alan Partridge.

I don't have my skateboard with me either so I'm riding a borrowed board with monster truck wheels. Now I have an excuse, as to why I can't flip my board!

So, the upshot of this post is that:

  1. Add me as a friend on Flickr

  2. Don't ask me to do a flip trick if you see me.

  3. Be jealous of the fact that I get a Daily Telegraph left outside my door every morning by a nice lady in housekeeping.

  4. Oh and I failed my degree because of one lousy shite exam, retake here I come.