If you've browsed my flickr account or seen any photos I may have posted online, you'll know that I've been shooting photos with a film slr for a while*. Well whilst thats been fun, the main problem with 35mm cameras has always haunted me, which is to say that it is expensive. Paying in the region of £10 or $20 to get a film developed is not ideal for learning the art of photography and I really have no interest in learning dark room techniques, well not yet.
So I decided to take the plunge and get myself a digital slr. A Nikon D40 to be precise. I got it with the standard 18-55mm kit lens, a spare battery, a 2 gig memory card and what seems to be the de rigeur f1.8 50mm lens, all for fairly cheap.
I'm looking forward to getting a chance to play with it. Results soon.
- My film slr is a Canon EOS 1000 with a 35-85mm lens (I think) and a 28mm wide angle lens... which I'm not looking forward to buying for the D40.