2007 was a stupidly unbelievable year. Just like the last one, except I didn't graduate or live in a hotel with Lemmy from Motorhead like I did in 2006. Ah well, lots and lots of good things happened...
1.) I spent the entire year in Australia on a working holiday...
2.) I got a job that filled the working part of that holiday that I really, really enjoyed...
3.) I got sponsored by that job, which means that I can stay in Australia until 2011 if I want (and be a good PHP code monkey of course) and keep the job.
4.) I lost every little piece of skateboard related coordination I had.
5.) I can't be bother pontificating on here right now.
Anyway suffice to say I've had a great year and I'm going to be staying in Australia for the next couple of years so I'm happy. Not bad for a year that started with enforced agoraphobia, a steve martin film, a jewish shoe shop and a house full of weirdos.
On a sidenote, I've lived in too many places this year.