Answer: Losing your skateboard.
<!-- more -->I'm an absent minded, head in the clouds space cadet at the best of times, but today I outdid myself. I decided that it would be a good day to take advantage of a $2.50 Sunday Saver Metcard and visit Epping skatepark to sample its concrete delights. So I got my shit together after waking up at 1pm and headed off to catch the train.
I figured out which train to catch pretty quickly, bought some water and a can of Red Bull. I got on the pretty busy train and sat in the only seat available, one that was backwards facing and near a half asleep old man (my favourite kind). I had a magazine on me to read, so quickly got engrossed in that. Now, I have always been pretty good at getting travel sick and the combination of reading and travelling backwards made me feel a bit queasy. So I changed seats after a couple of stops. Big mistake. I forgot to move my board too and was soon engrossed in my magazine again.
When the train arrived at Epping, I got up, went to pick my board up, realised it wasn't there. BANG it was like having my insides ripped out through my genitals, liquidised and fed back into the pit of my stomach via my ears. After a minute or so of frantic searching the carriage and realising it wasn't there, I went on a vigilante rampage through the train station looking for whoever had obviously stolen it. No luck unfortunately. I figure some kid or someone will have found it, thought someone had left it and taken it with them, either that or there is a ripping old man half asleep at a skatepark somewhere...
So, now I'm sat here on a Sunday evening, nursing a pint in a bar in a hostel (a whole other story... ) having spent 2 hours on a train today to achieve nothing other than getting the opportunity to spend $300 on a new setup tomorrow and discovering a really fucking horrible feeling that I never want again...
Update: Ok, I realised that the best course of action upon losing your skateboard on the way to a popular public skatepark, would be to go to the skatepark anyway and hope that whoever found it, would see fit to go to the skatepark with it and have a bit of an experiment... Damn you hindsight. Tries to convince self that a new board was needed anyway